3/22/2024 Great tarpon fishing for Spring Break

Well we’ve been super busy with spring break and been getting out a ton.  Double trips aren’t uncommon now and I’ve started going out in the evenings a little bit with the demand in business plus the fact that the tarpon are starting to run on the regular.  We had some great fishing this past week one day evening catching 5 tarpon on one trip!  Totally awesome!  I also had some trips with some juvenile fish that we caught (pictured here – under 40 inches so allowed to remove it from the water – we don’t remove large fish as it’s illegal).  We also were able to catch some snappers for dinner on this recent trip as well as some cero mackerel.  The patch reefs are still productive for those looking for action and tablefare.  April and May are typically considered the ‘peak’ prime months for tarpon fishing here in Islamorada, and we often fish the day trips but those evening trips as well.  Sunset is an awesome time to be out on the water as the bite often turns on near dark.