1/15/24 January fishing in Islamorada, Florida

January is rollin’ by and we’ve been getting out a bit catching some fish!  It’s not been super busy which often is the case… we always have a busy christmas week then sometimes a few days after New Years, and then season really starts rocking again in mid February.  But i’ve been getting out a few days a week and been having some fun.  I had my buddy Kyle out the other day.  Weather was a little iffy we’ve had some rain in between the cold fronts which is unusual for January but nothing surprises you with the weather these days.  Though not enough to keep us from having a good time most days.  The reef fishing was really good lots of snappers including keeper mutton snapper which is my favorite to eat!  We had some cero mackerels mixed in on the patch reefs which are always a winter time favorite on the atlantic side.  Got a nice goliath under one of the bridges which was fun, been catching those fairly consistently for anyone who wants to try there hand at it.  The mangrove snappers were nice and large too for us we had plenty for dinner. And can’t forget about the nice blacktip shark for something bigger to pull on to!  Tarpon fishing has been a little slower but that is to be expected in January, but the sharks are a good alternative for something large.  You can expect tarpon fishing to get better in February but anytime it gets warmer in the 80s they’ll start biting more.  Hope to get you out there soon give me a shout and let’s go fishing!