Tarpon bite is getting better and better!

Well we had a slick calm day yesterday with tons of tarpon showing up seemingly everywhere from the backcountry all the way down the oceanside of Islamorada! The bridges are getting stacked as well as the local channels and the fish should start pushing out of the backcountry though that can still be good for a few more weeks. Every year is different so who knows but that seems to often be the case. Our last three trips have all yielded a tarpon which is awesome! We’ve had a few other bites as well but these two beauties we got to the boat for pictures which is always a plus. Mullet are swarming as they are spawning right now too so the bait is easy which is often the hardest part of the fishing day. I’m usually out there catching it in the mornings early I always like to have a good stock of bait when I can! April & May evening tarpon trips are often a good bet there isn’t much better than being out there watching the sun going down and knowing it’s the ‘golden hour’ when the tarpon really start to get active. If you want to book a trip you can check out the link on here and do it directly on Fishing Booker or call the marina office at 305-664-2461 and ask for Capt. Trent!